Champion Roughs & Smooths
     Northern California
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(707) 696-5559
Foggy Bay Collies
Cast of Characters
Past and present, these are the collies who have shaped the history of Foggy Bay:
CH Arrowhill April Showers, HT

Arrowhill Tarnished Silver x Coronation Cloud Cover

CH Lonesome Dove of Kasan

Arrowhill Tarnished Silver x CH Heiress of Kasan
AM/CAN CH Rockwood Sterling Silver
The stunning "Nike" is behind every member of the Foggy Bay family.The beautiful CH Arrowhill Blue Christmas. When bred to CH Kasan Dacin Lone Eagle, "Merry" produced the litter that would most influence the Foggy Bay family.
AM/CAN CH Rockwood Sterling Silver x Arrowhill Oklahoma AmyArrowhill Tarnished Silver
AM/CAN CH Rockwood Sterling Silver x Arrowhill Oklahoma AmyCH Kasan Dacin Lone Eagle
CH Barrett of Kasan x Arrowhill Oklahoma Amy
Painting by Laura Weiss
Arrowhill Accentuated, HIC
Our beloved Ace is behind every dog at Foggy Bay.
CH Kasan Dacin Lone Eagle x CH Arrowhill  Blue ChristmasCH Kasan Cool Blue, "Midge"
Without question, the most important influence on our smooth line.  
Arrowhill Tarnished Silver x CH Sunnybrae Dresden ChinaCH Kasan Too Cool, PT, TD, VA
CH Kasan Dacin Lone Eagle x CH Kasan Cool BlueCH Kasan Clearly Cool
CH Kasan Dacin Lone Eagle x CH Kasan Cool BlueCH Arrowhill Dacin New York New York, PT
"Chad"CH Arrowhill Dacin Attitude, PTCH Arrowhill Dacin Silver Mist
CH Kanebriar Keepsake Pioneer x CH Arrowhill Blue ChristmasCH Arrowhill Nonpareil, HIC, CGC
The inimitable "Nana" lives on through her many offspring in the Foggy Bay family.
CH Arrowhill Accentuated x CH Arrowhill Dacin Silver MistCH Arrowhill Blue Ice, PT, RN
Arrowhill Accentuated HIC x CH Kasan Cool BlueCH Foggy Bay Sneaking Suspicion, HSAs
Arrowhill Accentuated HIC x CH Kasan Cool BlueCH Foggy Bay Scattered Showers
CH Larchmont Dark Town Strutter x Foggy Bay Accent of ArrowhillCH Kingsmark Arrowhill Adieu
Arrowhill Accentuated HIC x Kingsmark Seldom SeenCH Foggy Bay Sentimental Journey
CH Chelsea The Crown Prince x CH Arrowhill Nonpareil HIC CGCCH Foggy Bay Ruffles Have Ridges, RA
CH Chelsea The Crown Prince x CH Arrowhill Nonpareil HIC CGCCH Foggy Bay Oh Yeah
CH Larchmont Dark Town Strutter x Kasan Cool of the EveningCH Arrowhill Foggy Bay Alliance
CH Arrowhill Dacin Attitude x CH Arrowhill Nonpareil HIC CGCCH Foggy Bay Moonglow
CH Heatherlyn High Court Sensation x CH Arrowhill Foggy Bay AllianceFoggy Bay Cloak & Dagger, PT
Foggy Bay Just Cool It x CH Foggy Bay Sneaking Suspicion, HSAsCH Foggy Bay Stampede
BIS/BISS GCH Gentry's Braveheart x CH Foggy Bay Scattered ShowersGentry's Foggy Bay Firelight of Arrowhill
CH Gentry's Ricochet x Campbell of Arrowhill
Click on the icons below to meet some of our favorite family members: